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Academic and Curricular Petitions

所有学生都有权向适当的委员会申诉学术政策,如果可以确定情有可依的情况. 学生也有权亲自对学生坚持委员会作出的决定提出上诉, Curriculum and Degree Requirements Committee, Committee on Academic Petitions, or Academic Integrity Panel.

  • 建议学生与他们的学术顾问一起确定适当的请愿书(见下面的清单)以及在请愿书中包括的情有可依的情况.
  • If the academic advisor is not available, 学生成功中心的顾问可以协助确定申请选项.

Late Withdrawal, Late Course Drop, Academic Suspension/Dismissal

有特殊情况和证明文件的学生可以向学生坚持委员会请愿. The Student Persistence petition form is available in the Office of the Registrar and online. This committee meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month (year long).

学生坚持委员会的决定可以向招生管理和学生成功副教务长提出上诉. The petition form is available in the Office of the Registrar and online.

Student Persistence Petition Form Dynamic Forms

Appeal Form for Student Persistence Petition Dynamic Forms

Northwest Core or Institutional Requirements

有特殊情况和证明文件的学生可以向课程和学位要求委员会提出申请. The Curriculum and Degree Requirements petition form is available in the Office of the Registrar and online. 该委员会在秋季和春季学期每月的第2和第4个星期二举行会议.

课程和学位要求委员会的决定可以向学术上诉委员会提出上诉. The petition form is available in the Office of the Registrar and online.

Curriculum and Degree Requirements Petition Form Dynamic Forms

Appeal Form for Curriculum and Degree Requirements Petition Dynamic Forms

Academic Residence, Course Audit, Early Walk, Time Extensions, Pass/Fail, Supersedes, and Other Policies

有特殊情况和文件的学生可以向学术请愿委员会请愿. The General Petition form is available in the Office of the Registrar and online. This committee meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.

学术申诉委员会的决定可向学术申诉委员会提出上诉. The petition form is available in the Office of the Registrar and online.

General Petition Form Dynamic Forms

Appeal Form for General Petition Dynamic Forms

Academic Integrity

任何违反学术诚信准则的行为都将由学术诚信小组进行审查, whose membership includes university students, faculty, and staff. After reviewing a student’s academic record and all violations, 学术诚信小组可以向教务长建议行政处分,包括开除. 


Petition for Excess Credit


Students should review the Academic Load policy in the University Catalog.

Petition for Excess Credit Dynamic Forms

Student Petition to Reschedule Final Examination

学生可以申请更改期末考试的原因有两个:(1)医疗, personal or family emergency, or University-prescribed activity; or (2) for three exams on the same day. 学生应将填妥的请愿书提交到所申请课程的院系.

Petition to Reschedule Final Examination View PDF

Scholarships, Financial Assistance and Charges

Northwest Scholarship Petition

网上赌博网站十大排行奖学金请愿书应该由想要重新考虑奖学金的学生填写. 学生需要附上学位审核的复印件,并提供详细的解释,说明他们为什么应该获得他们所申请的奖学金.

请愿书在奖学金和财政援助办公室收集. 学生可亲临(行政大楼2楼),或电邮至 or fax at 660.562.1674. This committee reviews petitions weekly. Students will receive notification of the decision from the committee by email.

Northwest Scholarship Petition View PDF

Satisfactory Academic Progress Petition

To be eligible to receive federal, state and some private financial aid, students must be maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). 联邦法律要求大学监测学生的质量和数量的学业进步. 学生必须遵守大学的书面标准,以保持任何类型的联邦资格, state, or institutional financial aid. 奖学金和财政援助办公室将在每学期结束时监督SAP. Students should review the SAP requirements located at Maintaining Eligibility

请愿书在奖学金和财政援助办公室收集. 学生可亲临(行政大楼2楼),或电邮至 or fax at 660.562.1674. This committee reviews petitions weekly. Students will receive notification of the decision from the committee by email.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Petition View PDF

Student Financial Appeal Petition

学生经济申诉请愿书用于学生对他们不再注册的课程的费用和/或经济援助提出上诉. The Committee expects to receive complete information about the request. All pertinent information should be attached.

学生可以将表格提交到学生账户服务办公室(一楼), Administration Building) or emailed to

经济援助申请必须提交给奖学金和经济援助办公室(二楼), Administration Building) or emailed to

This committee reviews petitions weekly. Students will receive notification of the decision from the committee by email.

Student Financial Appeal Petition View PDF

Additional Petitions

Petition for Residency

To qualify for in-state tuition and fees, 学生必须符合密苏里州制定的官方居住要求 希望更改身份的学生必须向招生办公室(2楼)提交完整的请愿书, Administration Building) or by email to, prior to the semester for which the petition is made. 学生有责任在截止日期前提交所有必要的文件. Students will receive notification of the decision by email.

PetitioN for Residency View PDF

Teacher Education Student Services (TESS) Office

All petitions to enroll in a blocked class, for the Professional Education Program, are reviewed by the Teacher Education Admissions Committee (TEAC). TEAC确保专业教育项目的录取过程得到仔细和公平的管理,确保进入网上赌博网站十大排行教师教育专业的学生能够及早得到关于入学期望和潜在缺陷的反馈,并确保评估系统授权教师候选人利用多种措施来展示他们作为教师的能力.

所有请愿书必须完整填写,并附上所需的证明文件. 学生和他/她的导师需要在请愿书和随附的学生计划上签名. Petitions that are incomplete or are missing a signature will not be reviewed. All petitions must 表格须于下午5时前交回教师教育及学生服务办公室.m. on the day prior to the scheduled TEAC meeting.

For more information and access to the forms, please visit the TESS Office at

Graduate School
