Any member of the 网上赌博网站十大排行 community may come into contact with a distressed student. Many students come to the attention of faculty or staff through journal entries or papers. 意识到遇险信号, 干预方法, and sources of help for the student can help you feel more in control of situations that may arise. The mental health professionals at the Personal Development and 咨询 Center are available to faculty and staff for consultation. Feel free to call us at 562-1348 if you would like to discuss any of these situations further. 你也可以参考 施舍 了解更多具体信息.
Reports that are submitted regarding student behavior or concerns are submitted to a panel that represents a cross-disciplinary team of qualified campus professionals. 这个面板被称为 行为干预小组(BIT).
下面列出的是一些更普遍的痛苦迹象. This list is intended to provide basic information only and is not a substitute for clinical intervention.
While it is not expected that you be a "watchdog" or that you provide a thorough assessment, you may be first contact for a student in distress and in a position to ask a few questions. 遵循这些指导方针可以为所有人带来积极的结果.
如果你有上述症状, 你可以考虑进一步的自我照顾, 这可能包括通过员工援助计划寻求咨询.
Many students are hesitant about seeing a therapist and it is generally helpful to project a positive and accepting attitude about 咨询 when referring a student to the 咨询 Center. 向学生保证所有信息都是保密的.
网上赌博网站十大排行确实要求学生提前打电话预约入学时间. It is fine if you want to initiate the call, but we will want to talk with the student as well. 网上赌博网站十大排行的电话号码是562-1348,网上赌博网站十大排行位于健康服务中心.
We have regularly scheduled intake and daily crisis appointment times and try to accommodate students through those. 显然不是每一次危机都能安排好,所以网上赌博网站十大排行也有上门服务. It is always best to call ahead and alert the staff if you are referring a student you believe to be in crisis. 找人送学生去健康服务部吧.
Please remember that a counselor is available for consultation at 660-562-1348 during office hours (Monday thru Friday, (8:00AM - 5:00PM),如果您有问题或疑虑.
在非办公时间,请致电660-562-1254与大学警察联系. 他们会通过电话把你和咨询师联系起来.
Once a student becomes a client of 健康服务, information becomes confidential. 工作人员会尽力减轻你对这个学生的焦虑, 但没有那个学生的释放, 网上赌博网站十大排行甚至不能透露他们是否参加了会议. 请理解网上赌博网站十大排行在保密方面的限制.